April 1, 2023 / News

HOT – Serving the Homeless 24/7

SDPD’s Homeless Outreach Team (HOT) Makes an Impact

Mission: The mission of the San Diego Police Department’s Neighborhood Policing Division is to enhance quality of life and safety in San Diego neighborhoods in a manner that is compassionate, professional, and fair to all. Within the division is the Homeless Outreach Team (HOT) which consists of SDPD HOT officers, mental and behavioral health services, and medical care. This team works together to provide community members experiencing homelessness a liaison to available social services.

Purpose: The purpose of HOT is to provide an alternative to enforcement for those who find themselves in need of assistance and willing to accept help.

How the San Diego Police Foundation Supports HOT

Through the Police Foundation, food gift cards and MTS bus passes were funded for HOT to distribute to homeless individuals seeking services.

There are times when HOT is not available to transport homeless individuals to appointments. MTS bus passes provide these individuals with a reliable mode of transportation to get to critical appointments. These appointments are a necessary part of ending homelessness. HOT often spends hours with one person. During this time, the people they assist may be hungry and need a meal. The gift cards will allow HOT to provide necessary nutrition for those in need. This will assist with making the individual comfortable during the process and more likely to accept assistance.

Meeting the physical needs of the homeless community allows the Homeless Outreach Team to focus on breaking down barriers, and helping provide shelter and service needs. The community benefits when homeless individuals transition out of homelessness.

You can reach The Homeless Outreach Team at 619-446-1010 or HOT@pd.sandiego.gov.