OurPact’s App Rules and Social Media
Knowing what apps your child uses is essential to keeping them safe online. Especially knowing how your child is engaging with social media, and what platforms your child is active on will help to keep them safe from dangers like cyberbullying.
App Rules allows parents to see a complete list of all apps on their child’s device and set specific management rules for each app. All apps are set to Blocked by Schedule by default, but parents also have the option to set apps to Always Allowed as well as Always Blocked. Setting an app to Always Blocked will prevent your child from having access to that app, no matter if their device is currently being blocked. If an app is set to Always Blocked, children cannot delete and redownload it again to get around management.

Tap the appropriate rule next to the app to set your preferred rule. Changes made in App Rules will take effect immediately. Additionally, tapping on the app icon will allow you to see information about the app. After viewing information about the app, you can also set your preferred rule from the app information page.

If your child downloads a new app, you will receive an in-app notification alerting you to the new addition. This allows you to review the app and its information and set management rules right away. If your child downloads an app you do not want them to access, you can set it to Always Blocked, preventing them from using it.
We encourage parents to talk to their children about what apps they are using and have an open dialogue about social media usage and how children are engaging with the world digitally. OurPact is an excellent tool for helping your children navigate the challenges of screen time; however, when children know they can talk to their parents without shame or judgment, they are less likely to suffer from online bullying, predation, and other harm.
Learn more about OurPact’s features at https://ourpact.com